October 2020

Lab members from right to left: Erin Connors, Yiling Fan, Lily Chen, Luca Rosalia, Christopher Nguyen PhD, Jaume Coll-Font PhD, Robert Eder, Joan Kim, Maaike Van Den Boomen PhD, Shestruma Parajuli

Not pictured: Kellie Phipps, Holly Doig

Throwing back to a fun lab gathering at Juame’s wedding! He is starting a new adventure and we will always miss him! 

Exciting News!!!

Dr. Nguyen will be the director of  Cardiovascular Innovation Research Center (CIRC) in Cleveland Clinic! The laboratory will move to Cleveland at the end of May 2022. Stay tuned for more information from us!


The CBI lab focuses on the development and clinical application of novel imaging techniques to evaluate the cardiovascular system including MRI, optical, and PET. 

The ultimate goal of our research is to empower scientists and clinicians with novel imaging technologies to answer fundamental questions in cardiovascular biology and pathophysiology.

Our lab straddles both the MGH Cardiovascular Research Center and MGH/HST Martinos Center for Biomedical at the MGH Charlestown Navy Yard Campus. Feel free to visit us!

Congrats to Salva Yurista! His Review Article Made Cell's Cover!

Check out Our Group's Image on the Neurogastroenterology & Motility Cover!

Congratulations to EVERYONE in the lab! We made the front cover of Radiology: Cardiothoracic Imaging!!! 

Check it out here!

Congratulations to Jaume for being selected as a Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) Early Career Award (ECA) Finalist with his abstract, Distortion Correction (DisCo) of Free-Breathing Cardiac Diffusion Tensor MRI using Laplacian Eigenmaps. He will present at this year’s SCMR Conference in February.

Congratulations to the members of CBI Lab for their abstract submission and presentations at the MGH Cardiovascular Research Center’s 2020 Annual Retreat!

Maaike van Den Boomen — Vessel architectural imaging in swine heart using heartbeat-to-heartbeat GESE-EPI

Jaume Coll-Font — Distortion Corrected (DisCo) Free-Breathing Cardiac Diffusion Tensor MRI using Laplacian Eigenmaps

Yiling Fan — Building Subject Specific Dynamic Finite Element Model of the Left Ventricle from In-Vivo cardiac-MRI

Congratulations to the members of the CBI Lab as well as our collaborators on receiving awards for their abstracts submitted to the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine!

The Summa Cum Laude in gold represents the top 5% abstracts and the Magna Cum Laude in silver represents the top 15% abstracts.

Congratulations to Joan for being selected for a platform talk on her work on treadmill training large animals at the 2020 AALAS National Meeting!

Congratulations to Dr. Nguyen for co-hosting the SCMR/ISMRM co-provided workshop, Autonomous and Efficient Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging!

Congratulations to Dr. Nguyen for giving the 2019 SCMR/NIBIB Plenary Lecture at this year’s annual conference in Seattle, WA!

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